Tuesday, May 25, 2010

While Nero Fiddled

It is said that Nero fiddle while Rome burned.
So what has our erstwhile leader done as the oil has devastated the coast of our country

Out there in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico that BP oil rig blew up and and the resultant spill has slimed not only the beaches of Louisiana, Alabama and Florida, but also the drilling industry and of course has left the various government agencies involved in mopping up the globs that are polluting the beaches and the fisheries of southern USA. It is amazing in this age of technology that no one has come up with a way yet to plug the hole miles down in the gulf. You would think that if you were prepared to dig that deep that you would have a way of closing off the potential of some future hazard. Apparently not. There is no Red Adair out there who with his adventurous crew prepared to dive down and grasp the leaking monster by the throat and clamp in shut. I also guess thatI am naive to believe that the BP would have a method to control the loss of their liquid investment which in future time will force them to pay for all the resultant damages. If I were an investor in BP I would question this return on my investment.
Of course we have the Federal Government and its agencies like FEMA. Department of the Interior and the Coast Guard that stood watching and sucking their collective thumbs and collecting their political instuments as the this oily mess spread gallon globule by gallon globule over the sheeny Gulf waters.

Again it would seem that the government would have intervened in some way to minimize this disaster. If someones house is burning down you do not expect the owner to put out the fire, that is why we have fire departments. So why in heavens name did our government let BP try on its own to end the spill.
I do not want to appear too skeptical, but was there some political motive here as the reason that the Obama group did not get involved. Was it in their interest to let the oil spill out as a way to foster their energy agenda, to end offshore drilling and convince us gullible Americans that oil drilling is bad for our country.?
As has been pointed out in other sources, the Media has been loathe to condemn the present feds for their lack of intervention which is in stark in contradistinction to the tirades which which they lambasted George W. Bush and his crew. "Brownie is my man." I guess Salazar with his boot on the neck of BP is President Obama's man. And I suppose that putting your boot on someones neck will stop the oil from spilling and corrupting the sands of the Southern United States.
And yes we will have a commission and law suits down the road and that stops the damage which is happening right now.

So as BP tries all the various means to stop the leak, our Obama lead government as in old Rome fiddles and does not nothing to save the coast from "burning to the ground" and plays the familiar blame tune that it is Bush's fault.

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